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Eric Schmitt is Missouri’s 43rd Attorney General and chief legal and law enforcement official. A lifelong, sixth-generation Missourian, Eric is driven by his constitutional conservative beliefs, which he applies every day as the lawyer for all six million Missourians. Eric has proven over and over that he will boldly defend the rule of law. He has remained the leader Missourians can count on.
During his time in public service, he has been a relentless fighter for taxpayers. As House Budget Chairman, he balanced the budget and helped pass the largest income tax cut in state history. He reformed and eliminated broken programs and fought against and defeated democrat led policies that promoted illegal immigration. He defunded Planned Parenthood, eliminated restrictions on our 2nd Amendment rights and gave law enforcement the tools they need to keep our communities, and themselves, safe. He was able to do all of this while passing budgets that invested record amounts in education and restored fiscal sanity to our state government by fixing a budget that was perpetually unbalanced and delivering the largest surplus for our state in decades.