Missouri Republican State Committee Adopts Resolution Supporting Amendment 7

On Saturday, September 28, 2024, the Missouri Republican State Committee adopted the following resolution: Resolution to Support Amendment 7 Offered by Becky Arps (SD 14) & Tom Salisbury (SD 17) Whereas, the Missouri GOP values the integrity of our elections; and Whereas, we recognize that there is a movement across the country to allow non- citizens to vote in municipal… More

Missouri Republican State Committee Adopts Resolution Opposing Amendment 3

On Saturday, September 28, 2024, the Missouri Republican State Committee adopted the following resolution: Resolution Opposing Pro-Abortion Amendment 3 Offered by Sandy Karnes (SD 29) & Jim Berberich (SD 22) Whereas, the Missouri Republican Party is the Party of life; and Whereas, from the moment of conception, a woman becomes a mother, begins to sacrifice for her child, and needs… More

Last Chance to File for Candidacy in 2024!

Next week, March 26th at 5pm marks the deadline for candidates to file with the Secretary of State in order to run for office. All Candidates must receive a receipt from the Missouri GOP verifying that they have paid the appropriate filing fee. Candidates will make their payments and receive their receipts at one of the following locations: 1. Monday,… More


The following was unanimously adopted by the Republican National Committee in Milwaukee last week. As Adopted by the Republican National Committee RESOLUTION URGING A “RETURN TO EXCELLENCE” IN AMERICAN VOTING AND ELECTIONS WHEREAS, To present a formal Resolution from the Republican National Committee for declared opposition to voting manipulation schemes and to return to the functional and historic balloting and… More

Governor Parson Appoints Gabe Gore as Next City of St. Louis Circuit Attorney

May 19, 2023 Governor Parson Appoints Gabe Gore as Next City of St. Louis Circuit Attorney (St. Louis, MO) – Today, during a press conference at the City of St. Louis Circuit Attorney's Office in Carnahan Courthouse, Governor Mike Parson announced that he has selected attorney Gabriel (Gabe) Gore as the next City of St. Louis Circuit Attorney. Mr. Gore… More

Missouri Senate Republicans File a Remonstrance Regarding Kim Gardner

Today State Senator Nick Schroer filed a remonstrance regarding Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner.  This remonstrance was co-sponsored by every other Republican member of the State Senate.  Below you will see the signatures of every Senate Republican member, and the full text of the remonstrance. Whereas, St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner assumed office on January 6, 2017; and Whereas, since… More

2023 State of the State Address – Governor Mike Parson

Today Governor Mike Parson will deliver Missouri's State of the State address.  This address by Governor Parson can be viewed at  https://www.mo.gov/live or via the Missouri House of Representatives live feed found at https://house.mo.gov/.  Starting at 3pm, Governor Parson will provide his vision for the state by outlining his Fiscal Year 2024 budget proposal.   More

Andrew Bailey Sworn In as Missouri’s 44th Attorney General

JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. - Andrew Bailey was sworn in as Missouri’s 44th Attorney General in a ceremony at the Missouri Supreme Court Building. During his remarks, he outlined his goals for the Office, emphasizing his commitment to defending the Constitution, enforcing the law as written, protecting Missourians, supporting Missouri’s counties, and training the next generation of service-minded attorneys. “I took an oath… More

Vivek Malek Inaugurated as Missouri’s 48th State Treasurer

For Immediate Release Tuesday, January 17, 2023 Vivek Malek Inaugurated as Missouri’s 48th State Treasurer “America is a place of unlimited possibilities” JEFFERSON CITY – Vivek Malek was inaugurated on Tuesday as the 48th Missouri State Treasurer, pledging a fiscally conservative approach to protecting tax dollars, providing opportunities for growth, and promoting success for all Missourians. Malek, 45, of Wildwood… More

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    For a complete list of upcoming events and details, please visit our events page.

  • Franklin County Lincoln Reagan Banquet

    WHO: Franklin County Republican Central Committee

    WHAT: Lincoln Reagan Banquet

    WHEN: March 27th, doors open at 5pm

    WHERE: Triple Three Vineyard, Washington MO

    PRICE: $60/person, or $420/table

    Boone County Republicans Golden Era Lincoln Days 2025

    Join us on Thursday, April 3, at Midway Golf and Games, located at 5500 W. Van Horn Tavern Road, Columbia, MO 65203. Doors open at 5:00 p.m. for a social hour, with a buffet dinner served at 6:00 p.m. The program starts at 7:00 p.m., featuring Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey as the keynote speaker. Enjoy a delicious buffet with tavern steak bites, grilled chicken breast, macaroni and cheese, mashed potatoes, mixed green salad, and dark chocolate brownies.

    Tickets are priced as follows: $60 for one, $110 for two, $165 for three, $220 for four, $100 each for Boone Backer, and $30 for Event Sponsorship. For prepayment, RSVP, silent auction donations, or to arrange payment at the door, email boonecountyrepublicans@gmail.com.

    Polk County Lincoln Day Dinner

    The Polk County Republican Central Committee will be hosting their annual Lincoln Day Banquet on Thursday, April 3rd, beginning at 6:00 pm, at the Elks Lodge in Bolivar.

    The Elks Lodge will be catering the meal of roast pork loin, potatoes, green beans, salad, rolls and drinks. The Republican Women will be providing a variety of desserts.

     The tickets are $20 each and may be purchased at the Designed for Healing store located at 451-B S Springfield Ave. or in the Polk County Clerk’s office or Treasurer’s office in the Courthouse. For questions about reserving tickets, call Kim McNeel at 417-326-7845.  You may pay at the door.