Claire Playing Both Sides on WOTUS

Yesterday, the EPA announced that they are withdrawing the Waters of the United States (WOTUS) rule. This rule went entirely too far, giving the federal government regulatory authority over virtually all waters. It was especially harmful for Missouri’s farmers and ranchers, because it allowed the federal government to regulate almost any body of water on farmland, no matter how small… More

McCaskill Lies About Ties to Russian Ambassador, Paid to Attend Private Event at His Home

Earlier this week, CNN revealed that Senator McCaskill outright lied on Twitter about never interacting with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak, despite the fact she wined and dined at Kislyak's residence.  Now, in an even more disturbing twist, details have surfaced revealing McCaskill used a secret personal foundation to pay for the dinner she attended at the Ambassador’s residence. In addition to attending the dinner, McCaskill… More

#Mixtape for Claire More

MOGOP Statement on U.S. Supreme Court Decision in Trinity Lutheran Case

Today, the United States Supreme Court issued an important ruling in favor of Trinity Lutheran, a church in Columbia Missouri. This decision dates back to 2012, when the Trinity Lutheran Child Learning Center sought a grant from the Missouri Department of Natural Resources in order to make improvements to its playground. Today, in a 7-2 decision, the Supreme Court ruled in favor of… More

Senator McCaskill Lying About Meeting Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak

This evening, CNN revealed that not only did Senator McCaskill lie on Twitter about never interacting with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak, she was actually photographed wining and dining at a black-tie reception that he hosted. In March of this year, McCaskill emphatically tweeted that she had never ever called or met the Russian Ambassador. Once the photos of McCaskill at the… More

Missouri Republican Party Statement on Signing of Foster Care Bill of Rights

JEFFERSON CITY — This morning, Governor Greitens signed Senate Bill 160, a Foster Care Bill of Rights that will help protect Missouri’s children. The Bill brings accountability to Missouri’s foster care system, and it also includes measures that will protect children from traffickers. Additionally, the Bill bans those convicted of certain offenses against minors from loitering within 500 feet of… More

Obamacare Meltdown in Missouri

This morning, we received the below alarming release from the NRSC, and we wanted to share it with you immediately. While Senator Claire McCaskill and her extreme liberal cohorts have been hosting swanky fundraisers and holding “protest talkathons,” Missourians continue to suffer as a result of the Obamacare death-spiral. Based on new reports, it is evident that Obamacare continues to wreak absolute… More

More Fundraising By Claire’s Leftist Besties

In case you missed it, Senator Claire McCaskill continues to cash in on her friendships with the far left Washington elite! Senator Kamala Harris (D-CA), a newly-annointed darling of the extreme left, is following Senator Elizabeth Warren’s lead in fundraising for Claire. Senator Harris is another Trump obstructionist who recently gained even more praise from the left for her bullying, witch-hunt style… More

Statement from MOGOP Chairman Todd Graves on Efforts to Derail Governor Greitens’ Agenda

Governor Greitens is a conservative outsider who was elected to serve the people of Missouri, not career politicians. I’m deeply disturbed by the resolution put forward by a few Missouri state senators calling for an “investigative committee” to look into the Governor and private individuals and groups who support him. This is nothing more than a political stunt that the… More

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    For a complete list of upcoming events and details, please visit our events page.

  • Adair County Lincoln Day Dinner

    Adair County Lincoln Dinner March 1st 2025 at the NEMO fairgrounds 2700 E Illinois street Kirksville Mo 63501
    Tickets are $40.00

    2025 Missouri Republican Party State Lincoln Days

    Join the Missouri Republican Party on March 7-9, 2025, for our 2025 Missouri State Lincoln Days in St. Louis, Missouri!

    Sheraton Westport Chalet Hotel St. Louis
    191 Westport Plaza Dr., St. Louis, MO 63146
    March 7-9, 2025

    More details to be posted in the coming weeks!

    Johnson County Lincoln Day

    Who:  Johnson County Republican Central Committee
    What:  Lincoln Day Celebration
    When:  March 20, 2025 at
    Where:  Milestones Event Barn
    Price:   $500 for Platinum Table of 8, $250 for a Gold Table and $50 for Individual Tickets
    Contact:  Stormy Taylor,, 660-441-2458