Jill Schupp is a Champion of Medicare for All and Its Massive

Jefferson City – Jill Schupp is a champion of the radical Medicare for All plan, and now she’s lying to voters in Missouri’s 2nd Congressional District about it.  Jill Schupp has an extensive record of championing Medicare for All and supporting higher taxes.

Jill Schupp’s Medicare for All plan is so extreme, even Joe Biden opposes it.  Biden called the Medicare for All plan Schupp champions “absolutely preposterous.”

“Here is the truth about Jill Schupp.  As a long-time politician, she has a long record of supporting Medicare for All and now she’s lying to voters about it,” said Jean Evans, executive director of the Missouri Republican Party.  “Schupp’s Medicare for All plan is deeply unpopular so it’s little wonder she’s attempting to distance herself from the very plan she championed.  It won’t work.  Jill Schupp’s long record of support for Medicare for All is there for the voters in the Second Congressional District to examine for themselves.”

Jill Schupp wants to dismantle the health care system and institute a nation-wide single payer plan with her Medicare for All plan.  Schupp’s plan would eliminate private insurance coverage for Missourians.  The Urban Institute estimates Medicare for All would cost $34 trillion.

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    What:  Lincoln Day Celebration
    When:  March 20, 2025 at
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    Lincoln Day Dinner
    March 22, 2025
    Marshfield Community Center
    114 Commercial St.
    Marshfield, MO
    Doors Open:  5pm
    Pre-sale Tickets:  $25
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