McCaskill’s Obstruction of Kavanaugh is Inexcusable
JEFFERSON CITY, MO — This afternoon, Claire McCaskill announced that she would vote “NO” on Judge Kavanaugh’s nomination, laughably citing dark money as the deciding factor.
Chris Nuelle, a spokesperson for the Missouri Republican Party, said, “After months of refusing to give Missourians any indication on where she stood, Claire has finally made it clear that her allegiance belongs to Chuck Schumer and her West Coast donors rather than the people of Missouri. Her intention to vote ‘NO’ on Judge Kavanaugh is a complete slap in the face of Missourians, and is further proof that she’s more interested in obstructing President Trump than she is putting qualified nominees on the Supreme Court.”
Nuelle continued, “Additionally, her use of ‘dark money’ as a motivating factor is ridiculous, given that her campaign has shadily fed videos and information to Chuck Schumer’s political action committee through their website and supported Clean Missouri and Raise Up Missouri, both of which have received millions in ‘dark money’ donations. McCaskill sent a clear message to Missourians today, and they’re going to send a clear message back when they vote her out in November.”