Posted by Missouri GOP on
Monday, August 10, 2020 ·
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Missouri Democrat 2020 Statewide Ticket Most Liberal in State History
It’s official. The Missouri Democrat Party has now assembled the most liberal, left-wing statewide ticket in state history for the offices of governor, lieutenant governor, secretary of state, treasurer and attorney general.
Combining old platforms like higher taxes and bigger government with new ones like “defund the police,” this liberal slate of candidates includes Nicole Galloway, Alissia Canady, Yinka Faleti, Vicki Englund and Rich Finneran.
No Democrat candidate for statewide office in Missouri has come forward to denounce their Party’s support for ‘defund the police’ or the actions of Missouri Democratic Party Chairman Clem Smith who featured the violent image of a burned-out police vehicle as the banner for his social media.

Led by liberal Nicole Galloway, this statewide ticket will be in lock step with left-wing party activists like the newest member of AOC’s Squad, Missouri Congressional District 1 Democratic Nominee Cori Bush who wants to “Defund the Police.” With Cori Bush’s election in the primary, AOC’s Squad have crossed the Mississippi into Missouri and with the full support and endorsement of Nicole Galloway.
Missourians want more freedom, less government and leaders who will stand up against lawlessness and violence to keep our streets safe. We are proud to stand with our Missouri Republican statewide ticket led by Governor Mike Parson, together with Lt. Governor Mike Kehoe, Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft, Treasurer Scott Fitzpatrick and Attorney General Eric Schmitt.