Missouri Farm Bureau Opposes Amendment 2

The board of director’s for the Missouri Farm Bureau voted to oppose expanding Medicaid. If passed it could cripple the state budget by imposing massive new healthcare costs on Missouri taxpayers.

Missouri Farm Bureau President Blake Hurst said “Pouring more taxpayer dollars into Medicaid without fixing the problems that are bankrupting rural hospitals will only make a bad situation worse, we need to find solutions that make healthcare more accessible and affordable, not just expand government further.”


NO, expanding Medicaid won’t help rural Missouri

Proponents of Medicaid expansion claim that by passing Amendment 2, rural Missouri hospitals and healthcare will be improved. Time and time again, state that have passed Medicaid expansion have continued to see a struggling  rural health system.

Colorado and Iowa have both passed Medicaid expansion, and rural hospitals are still on the brink on closing.

“Nearly 18 percent of Iowa’s rural hospitals at high risk of closing down in the near future” Iowa Gazette-March 2019

“36 hospitals in Colorado operated in the red in 2018.” Coloradopolitics.com –   March 2020

7 of the 12 states on this list have passed Medicaid expansion, and still have rural hospitals at a high risk of closing. -Iowa Gazette Graphic
Representative Hannah Kelly on protecting the future of Missouri. Vote NO on Amendment 2 in August!

Are you ready to pay more taxes?

Expanding Medicaid in Missouri will cost the state millions or billions if the federal government stops paying their portion. This will result bankrupting our state, forcing cuts in funding for schools, public safety, and infrastructure, and higher taxes.

We need your help to stop this!

Share, share, and share!! One of the most important things you can do in the next month is tell everyone you know how disastrous this expansion of Obamacare would be for Missouri!

Post on all you social media platforms. Call all your friends and tell them to vote NO on Amendment 2 August 4th. Volunteer with the Missouri Republican Party to make voter outreach calls.

Visit the campaign website linked below for all the latest news.

Like and share the ‘No on Amendment 2 in August’ Facebook page.

Most importantly, vote No on Amendment 2 on August 4th!

Visit the campaign’s website
Visit the campaign’s Facebook

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    March 7-9, 2025

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    What:  Lincoln Day Celebration
    When:  March 20, 2025 at
    Where:  Milestones Event Barn
    Price:   $500 for Platinum Table of 8, $250 for a Gold Table and $50 for Individual Tickets
    Contact:  Stormy Taylor, stormyrtaylor@gmail.com, 660-441-2458

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