MOGOP Files Sunshine Requests

Dana Rademan Miller, Chief Clerk of the House

201 West Capitol Ave, Room 310

Jefferson City, MO 65101

This is a request for records under the Missouri Sunshine Law, Chapter 610, Revised Statutes of Missouri.

We request that you make available to us the following records:

Any and all communications related to the development, drafting, and release of the “MMJ Document Production Findings and Alleged Interference with Committee Work” memorandum released on September 14, 2020 drafted by Casey Millburg, Minority Caucus Counsel.  This request should include, but not be limited to, any and all emails, text messages, and phone records between Casey Millburg and staff or agents of Nicole Galloway for Missouri, A Stronger Missouri, the Missouri Democrat Party, and the Democratic Governors Association. These records should include, but not be limited to, any and all communications between Ms. Millburg and Nicole Galloway, State Auditor, Chris Sloan, Campaign Manager, Nicole Galloway for Missouri, Kevin Donohoe, Nicole Galloway for Missouri, Caleb Cavarretta, Deputy Campaign Manager, Nicole Galloway for Missouri, Michael Moorefiled, Chief of Staff, Auditor Nicole Galloway, Scott Holste, Communications and Policy Advisor, Auditor Galloway, Marshall Cohen, Democrat Governors Association, Jessica Macklier, Democrat Governors Association, David Turner, Democrat Governors Association, Clem Smith, Chairman, Missouri Democratic Party, Lauren Gepford, Executive Director, Missouri Democratic Party, Andrew Storey, Missouri Democratic Party.

I request that the records responsive to my request be copied and sent to me at the following address: 508 Mulberry Street, Jefferson City, MO 65101.

I request that all fees for locating and copying the records be waived.

Please let me know in advance of any search or copying if the fees will exceed $500

If portions of the requested records are closed, please redact the portions you deem closed and provide me with the rest of the records.

Jean Evans

508 Mulberry Street, Jefferson City, MO 65101





Mark Henley, Custodian of Records 

301 West High Street, Room 880

P.O. Box 869

Jefferson City, MO 65102

This is a request for records under the Missouri Sunshine Law, Chapter 610, Revised Statutes of Missouri.

We request that you make available to us the following records:

Any and all communications related to the development, drafting, and release of the “MMJ Document Production Findings and Alleged Interference with Committee Work” memorandum released on September 14, 2020 drafted by Casey Millburg, Minority Caucus Counsel.  This request should include, but not be limited to, any and all emails, text messages, and phone records between Casey Millburg and staff or agents of Nicole Galloway for Missouri, A Stronger Missouri, the Missouri Democrat Party, and the Democratic Governors Association. These records should include, but not be limited to, any and all communications between Ms. Millburg and Nicole Galloway, State Auditor, Chris Sloan, Campaign Manager, Nicole Galloway for Missouri, Kevin Donohoe, Nicole Galloway for Missouri, Caleb Cavarretta, Deputy Campaign Manager, Nicole Galloway for Missouri, Michael Moorefiled, Chief of Staff, Auditor Nicole Galloway, Scott Holste, Communications and Policy Advisor, Auditor Galloway, Marshall Cohen, Democrat Governors Association, Jessica Macklier, Democrat Governors Association, David Turner, Democrat Governors Association, Clem Smith, Chairman, Missouri Democratic Party, Lauren Gepford, Executive Director, Missouri Democratic Party, Andrew Storey, Missouri Democratic Party.

I request that the records responsive to my request be copied and sent to me at the following address: 508 Mulberry Street, Jefferson City, MO 65101.

I request that all fees for locating and copying the records be waived.

Please let me know in advance of any search or copying if the fees will exceed $500

If portions of the requested records are closed, please redact the portions you deem closed and provide me with the rest of the records.

Jean Evans

508 Mulberry Street, Jefferson City, MO 65101


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  • Johnson County Lincoln Day

    Who:  Johnson County Republican Central Committee
    What:  Lincoln Day Celebration
    When:  March 20, 2025 at
    Where:  Milestones Event Barn
    Price:   $500 for Platinum Table of 8, $250 for a Gold Table and $50 for Individual Tickets
    Contact:  Stormy Taylor,, 660-441-2458

    St Charles County Lincoln/Trump Day Dinner



    Webster County Republican Central Committee Lincoln Day Dinner

    Webster County Republican Central Committee
    Lincoln Day Dinner
    March 22, 2025
    Marshfield Community Center
    114 Commercial St.
    Marshfield, MO
    Doors Open:  5pm
    Pre-sale Tickets:  $25
    At the Door:  $30
    Contact person:  Joyce Harmon, WCRCC Secretary
                                Ph:  417-844-5062