MRSC Executive Committee passed two Resolutions, Supporting Local Party Control and Voluntary Party Affiliation 


Supporting Local Party Control And Voluntary Party Affiliation in Missouri

Missouri – 3/15/23 – The right to choose one’s own political affiliation is a fundamental aspect of our democratic republic.  Every citizen of Missouri should have the opportunity to exercise their freedom of association. That is why the Missouri State Party Executive Committee passed resolutions supporting local party control and voluntary party affiliation in Missouri.

At the heart of our political philosophy is the idea that citizens have the right to govern themselves. This means that political parties and their members should have the freedom to choose their own leaders, policies, and platforms. Local party control is an essential part of this process. It allows for greater participation and representation at the grassroots level, ensuring that the voices of ordinary citizens are heard.

Similarly, voluntary party affiliation is critical to ensuring that citizens can exercise their constitutionally protected right of association. When individuals are prevented from having the choice to select their desired party, they are being stripped of that constitutionally protected right. This can lead to a breakdown in trust and confidence in the political process.

We believe that supporting local party control and voluntary party affiliation will help to strengthen Missouri. It will allow citizens to exercise their right to choose freely and ensure that political parties remain accountable to their members and the broader community they serve.

We call on all citizens of Missouri to join us in supporting local party control and voluntary party affiliation. Let us work together to strengthen Missouri and protect the rights of all citizens to choose their own political affiliations.


Dennis Rhodes

Full Resolution Language Below. 

Missouri Republican State Committee
Resolution Supporting Local Control of Central Committees

WHEREAS a mandated weighted average voting system for Missouri political party county committees would effectively disenfranchise some committee members, while benefiting others; and

WHEREAS we oppose any legislation containing language that impedes our mission of the full, robust, and ongoing outreach and success of the Missouri Republican Party; and

WHEREAS a legislative mandate for a weighted average voting system creates an atmosphere of purposeful division amongst the rank-and-file members of our great state.

NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED the Missouri Republican State Committee supports the current method whereby the county committees themselves choose their own methods of voting and opposes any effort to impose, by current or future legislation, any specific method of voting within the county committees of each party.

Missouri Republican State Committee
Resolution Supporting Voluntary Party Affiliation

WHEREAS, in 2022, Missouri passed the important Elections’ Integrity Bill known as HB 1878. This bill, through a series of initiatives, provides more security in the election process and more confidence for election integrity for Missouri’s Citizens/Voters.

WHEREAS HB 1878 provides the voluntary ability for Missouri’s Citizens/Voters to identify and register with a political party through voter registration records. HB 1878 also provides Missouri’s Citizens/Voters the opportunity to connect with those who voluntarily affiliate with their party and allows for and facilitates the ability of individuals and political parties to connect with each other.

WHEREAS the Federal Courts have affirmed Freedom of Association “necessarily presupposes the freedom to identify people who constitute the association.” Further stating, “an important corollary of the right to freely associate is a right not to associate,” all of which is provided in our current law.

WHEREAS our Republican Party Platform supports the goal of closed primaries and the voluntary party affiliation is a critical first step towards that end.

NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Missouri Republican Party supports the current statute providing for voluntary party affiliation and opposes any legislative effort to remove voluntary party affiliation or any component of closed primaries.

About Dennis Rhodes

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    Contact:  Stormy Taylor,, 660-441-2458