Nicole Galloway Earns Yet Another Complaint for Abusing Her Office

Jefferson City – Another day, another breaking news story about Nicole Galloway’s corruption.  This time the non-partisan ethics watchdog the Foundation for Accountability and Civic Trust (FACT) filed a complaint against Galloway for abusing her taxpayer funded office.

“Nicole Galloway has consistently and repeatedly abused taxpayer resources in an attempt to advance her political ambitions,” said Jean Evans, Executive Director of the Missouri Republican Party.  “Now a non-partisan ethics watchdog organization has filed a complaint against Galloway for abusing her taxpayer-funded office.”

The latest complaint adds to the growing list of ethics abuses Nicole Galloway has engaged in as a state official.  The independent State Board of Accountancy is investigating her office for abusing the audit process.  The Missouri Secretary of State is investigating Galloway for campaign finance violations.

“Nicole Galloway repeatedly abuses taxpayer resources for politics because she believes she’s above the law and will never be held accountable,” Evans said.  “Missourians deserve better than an ethically-challenged politician like Nicole Galloway who has one set of rules for taxpayers and another for her.”

The new complaint by FACT found that on February 18, 2020, Nicole Galloway met with a liberal anti-Second Amendment group in her state office after which the gun control activists became active in her campaign.  The auditor’s office has no jurisdiction over the issues for which this organization lobbies.  Even the St. Louis Post-Dispatch took issue with Galloway’s misdeeds.

Missouri law clearly states “No contributions or expenditures of public funds shall be made directly by an officer, employee, or agent of any political subdivision to advocate, support, or oppose any… candidate for public office.”

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