Posted by Missouri GOP on
Wednesday, June 21, 2017 ·
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Obamacare Meltdown in Missouri
This morning, we received the below alarming release from the NRSC, and we wanted to share it with you immediately. While Senator Claire McCaskill and her extreme liberal cohorts have been hosting swanky fundraisers and holding “protest talkathons,” Missourians continue to suffer as a result of the Obamacare death-spiral. Based on new reports, it is evident that Obamacare continues to wreak absolute havoc on healthcare in Missouri, and we may not have seen the worst of it yet.
This report indicates that next year, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Kansas City will leave Missouri, in turn leaving 18,000 Missourians in western counties without coverage. What’s worse is that if no insurer steps up to cover these counties, which is an eerily real possibility, then these people may be left without any other coverage options. Suffice it to say, the healthcare situation in Missouri is dire. This is due in no small part to Senator McCaskill, who cast the deciding vote that locked the Obamacare nightmare into place. Meanwhile, to add insult to injury, Senator McCaskill has capitalized on her efforts to deride and obstruct Republicans who are working hard to fix the problem.
Begin forwarded message:
From: NRSC
Subject: Missouri meltdown
Date: June 21, 2017 at 9:52:32 AM CDT
Hey there—
Obamacare continues to implode in Missouri, and instead of working towards a solution, Claire McCaskill has been busy basking in the viral fame her political grandstanding has earned her.
While Claire has been tweeting LOLs back and forth with celebrity television hosts, new reports detailed that 18,000 Western Missourians will be without health care coverage this year thanks to Obamacare’s failures. The coverage losses come on top of news that individual premiums in Missouri have increased 145% over the last four years. Someone should tell Claire that her support for Barack Obama’s failed health care law is nothing to laugh about.
“Claire McCaskill’s support for Obamacare has been an absolute disaster for Missouri,” said NRSC Spokesman Michael McAdams. “If Claire were serious about fixing health care, she would focus more on finding solutions for Missourians and less on tweeting at celebrities.”
Michael McAdams
NRSC Regional Press Secretary