Remember When Claire McCaskill Did This …

It’s Throwback Thursday, and we’ve been thinking … remember when Claire McCaskill used your money to pay for trips on her private plane?

It’s pretty tough to forget! In 2011, McCaskill was forced to repay almost $300,000 in back taxes after she used taxpayer money to fund about 90 trips on her private plane. And since the lavish plane was evidently valued at $2.2 million, we’re guessing First Class was the only class on Air Claire!

Despite her expensive toys like Air Claire, her $2.7 million penthouse in D.C. and her ever-opulent lifestyle, Claire still portrays herself as a down-home “daughter of rural Missouri.”  But this isn’t totally surprising, since Claire evidently thinks that “normal people” can afford a private-plane-kind-of-life, too.

“Claire lives a glamorous, no-expense-spared life but then tries to play up her ‘down-home’ roots every time she’s up for reelection,” said Keelie Broom, Communications Director for the Missouri Republican Party. “It’s completely phony, and I am confident that hardworking Missourians are on to her. They don’t buy it now, and they won’t buy it in 2018.”

On this Throwback Thursday, we just have on question: why would Claire need to fly coach when she’s got tax-payer funded Air Claire?

Claire McCaskill

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