Soft-on-Crime Jill Schupp Routinely Sides with Sex Predators Over Victims

JEFFERSON CITY –  When victims of sexual assault were seeking an advocate, they found an enemy in Congressional candidate and politician Jill Schupp whose record shows she repeatedly sided with dangerous criminals and sex offenders over victims and children.

“Jill Schupp’s record shows she repeatedly turned a blind eye to victims and sided with sexual predators.  In fact, Schupp has spent her entire political career siding with dangerous criminals,” said Missouri Republican Party Executive Director Jean Evans.  “Schupp voted to allow sex offenders to live near schools, roam outdoor playgrounds where kids are playing and even coach team sports.  In an election where voters are deciding between candidates who support law and order or lawlessness, Jill Schupp’s soft-on-crime record places her squarely in the column of lawlessness.”

When challenged on her voting record in support of sex offenders, Schupp falsely claimed her voting record was being “distorted.”  It wasn’t.  Schupp’s record in support of sex offenders is available for all Missourians to review and inspect for themselves. Here’s a recap:

Soft-on-Crime Jill Schupp Vote 1

In 2013, Schupp voted against HJR 16.  The constitutional amendment was submitted to voters to make it easier to prosecute child sexual predators.  Missouri voters approved the constitutional amendment with the support of 72% of voters.

Soft-on-Crime Jill Schupp Vote 2

Again in 2013, Schupp sided with sexual predators when she voted in favor of HB 301 that would have removed predators from the sex offender registration.

Soft-on-Crime Jill Schupp Vote 3

In 2009, Schupp supported an amendment that would have given hundreds of sex offenders a clean slate.  Her votes would have allowed sex offenders to live near schools and roam freely in playgrounds. She even voted to allow some sex offenders to coach team sports.

Soft-on-Crime Jill Schupp Vote 4

In 2011, Schupp voted against HB 731, which was a bill to require the state to report sexual predators who were also illegal immigrants to the federal government.

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