Posted by Missouri GOP on
Monday, August 3, 2020 ·
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Tomorrow is election day in Missouri. For months Democrats have been trying to disguise Medicaid expansion as good healthcare policy. We know the truth though, expanding Medicaid will only hurt Missourians.

Missourians have always rejected Obamacare
D.C. politicians like Nancy Pelosi and Bernie Sanders don’t know what Missourians want. They want to push their far left agenda on us till we become a socialist nation. Just like Obamacare, Democrats in Missouri can’t tell you how much this new expansion of Medicaid will cost.

Are you ready to pay more taxes?
Expanding Medicaid in Missouri will cost the state millions. This will result in more funding being taken away from our schools and important infrastructure projects throughout the state, or higher taxes. In reality all of the above will happen if we allow this expansion of Obamacare in our state.

Governor Mike Parson characterized the expansion of Medicaid as “a massive tax increase that Missourians cannot afford.”
We need your help to stop this!
Share, share, and share!! One of the most important things you can do is VOTE! Tell everyone you know how disastrous this expansion of Obamacare would be for Missouri, and to also VOTE NO ON AMENDMENT 2!
Post on all your social media platforms. Call all your friends and tell them to vote NO on Amendment 2 TOMORROW. Volunteer with the Missouri Republican Party to make voter outreach calls.
Visit the campaign website linked below for all the latest news.
Like and share the ‘No on Amendment 2 in August’ Facebook page.
Most importantly, vote No on Amendment 2 Tomorrow!