Vote Yes on Amendment 3!

Missouri once represented a model state when it came to the redistricting process.  We had a bipartisan commission process that was working until outside forces led by George Soros tricked Missourians into changing that process with an amendment billed as lobbyist reform with a hidden partisan redistricting process, controlled by the state auditor whose office has nothing to do with elections in Missouri.

Missourians have an opportunity to return to the bipartisan commission process and reject a partisan redistricting process by voting YES on Amendment 3.  In addition to bringing back the bipartisan redistricting process Amendment 3 reduces campaign contribution limits.

Opponents of Amendment 3 falsely claim this amendment creates “gerrymandering.”  The truth is Amendment 3 guarantees local representation and will keep communities together.  Missouri is a microcosm of the United States with rural, suburban and urban communities.  Missourians across the state often face widely different issues and residents have vastly different values.  Under the George Soros process, legislative districts will be redrawn in 2022 allowing radical urban liberals to represent and take over large portions of suburban and rural Missouri.  Amendment 3 guarantees you will be represented by elected officials who live in your community and share your values.

Amendment 3 also eliminates a requirement that illegal immigrants are counted and represented in our political process.  Under the George Soros process, illegal immigrants MUST be counted when our legislative districts are redrawn. This process is wrong for many reasons, but it also allows extreme liberal urban areas to be overrepresented in Jefferson City.  Giving representation to illegal immigrants takes political power away from legal, law-abiding citizens and reduces your voice in our State Capitol.  Amendment 3 will restore power to Missourians and eliminate incentives given to illegal immigrants.

We must pass Amendment 3 on November 3.  If George Soros and his extreme liberal cohorts are successful in defeating this amendment, we risk Jefferson City being taken over by radical liberals who want to defund our police, regulate our farms out of business and raise taxes on Missouri families.  Vote YES on Amendment 3!

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  • Johnson County Lincoln Day

    Who:  Johnson County Republican Central Committee
    What:  Lincoln Day Celebration
    When:  March 20, 2025 at
    Where:  Milestones Event Barn
    Price:   $500 for Platinum Table of 8, $250 for a Gold Table and $50 for Individual Tickets
    Contact:  Stormy Taylor,, 660-441-2458

    St Charles County Lincoln/Trump Day Dinner



    Webster County Republican Central Committee Lincoln Day Dinner

    Webster County Republican Central Committee
    Lincoln Day Dinner
    March 22, 2025
    Marshfield Community Center
    114 Commercial St.
    Marshfield, MO
    Doors Open:  5pm
    Pre-sale Tickets:  $25
    At the Door:  $30
    Contact person:  Joyce Harmon, WCRCC Secretary
                                Ph:  417-844-5062