First Defund the Police, Now Defund Our Troops

Nicole Galloway’s Democratic Party is no longer content to just defund the police; now they want to defund our troops! It’s true.  Nicole Galloway and Cori Bush are two-of-a-kind liberals.  After Cori Bush endorsed defund the police, Nicole Galloway endorsed her.  This week, just hours after Cori Bush endorsed defunding the Pentagon, Nicole Galloway sent out a fundraising email for her. When Nicole Galloway was challenged to… More

Nicole Galloway Should Withdraw Endorsement of Cori Bush

  JEFFERSON CITY – Jean Evans, Executive Director of the Missouri Republican Party, today issued the following statement calling on Nicole Galloway to withdraw her endorsement of liberal activist Cori Bush for her comments in support of defunding law enforcement and defunding the Pentagon: “Nicole Galloway endorsed Cori Bush.  Nicole Galloway is campaigning with Cori Bush.  Nicole Galloway is sending political fundraising emails for… More

Jill Schupp Never Met a Tax Increase She Did Not Like

Schupp Has a Record of Supporting Higher Taxes  Jefferson City – Jill Schupp wants to raise taxes on Missouri families living in the 2nd Congressional District and is hoping voters do not learn about her extensive record of supporting higher taxes and opposing tax relief. As a politician in Jefferson City, Jill Schupp has a long record of supporting higher taxes on Missouri… More

A Leader You Can Count On to Back the Blue

  Missouri’s law enforcement community is paying attention in the wake of the rise of the defund the police movement and the liberals embrace of these dangerous policies; that's why every major law enforcement organization in Missouri has endorsed Governor Mike Parson for governor. And where’s Nicole?  You can tell a lot about Nicole Galloway by the company she keeps. Galloway is no longer… More

New Video: Nicole Galloway is Too Extreme For Missouri

Jefferson City – You can tell a lot about a person by the company they keep.  And where’s Nicole Galloway?  Keeping company with extreme liberals including those who called for murdering Republicans and defunding the police. The Missouri Republican Party today launched a new digital ad to remind voters that Nicole Galloway’s views, policies and the company she keeps are too extreme… More

Nicole Galloway Continues to Accept Defund the Police Support

Jefferson City – Nicole Galloway is not trying to hide her support for the defund the police movement and now pledges to work with defund the police groups and “get it done.” “Nicole Galloway has always been committed to the radical policies of her left-wing supporters and now she is now openly embracing endorsements from left-wing groups like Action St. Louis who want to defund… More

She lost her husband in the line of duty…

Have you watched the short digital documentary about Rachel Lightfoot?  We urge you to take a couple of minutes and watch it here. Rachel’s husband dreamed of a career in law enforcement and worked in the Polk County Sheriff’s Office under Governor Parson.  Her husband lost his life doing the job he dreamed about.  Not long after, Rachel discovered she was expecting a child. Governor… More

Defund the Police Money Pours into Nicole Galloway’s Campaign

  Jefferson City – Nicole Galloway’s campaign is being funded by liberal groups that support defunding the police.  As Galloway continues to endorse and accept endorsements by defund the police backers like Elizbeth Warren and liberal activist Cori Bush, her campaign is taking money from groups like Planned Parenthood, NARAL, Indivisible and the Sunrise Movement that are pushing defund the police policies. “Nicole Galloway refuses to denounce the defund the police… More

Nicole Galloway’s Bad Week

If the day ends in “y,” odds are Nicole Galloway is facing yet another complaint or investigation into her abuse of her office.  Abuse that involves Galloway using her taxpayer-funded office for political purposes.  Abuse that means taxpayers are actually paying for Galloway to use her official office for politics and to advance her political career. Following day after day of investigations and complaints into the misuse… More

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    For a complete list of upcoming events and details, please visit our events page.

  • Franklin County Lincoln Reagan Banquet

    WHO: Franklin County Republican Central Committee

    WHAT: Lincoln Reagan Banquet

    WHEN: March 27th, doors open at 5pm

    WHERE: Triple Three Vineyard, Washington MO

    PRICE: $60/person, or $420/table

    Boone County Republicans Golden Era Lincoln Days 2025

    Join us on Thursday, April 3, at Midway Golf and Games, located at 5500 W. Van Horn Tavern Road, Columbia, MO 65203. Doors open at 5:00 p.m. for a social hour, with a buffet dinner served at 6:00 p.m. The program starts at 7:00 p.m., featuring Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey as the keynote speaker. Enjoy a delicious buffet with tavern steak bites, grilled chicken breast, macaroni and cheese, mashed potatoes, mixed green salad, and dark chocolate brownies.

    Tickets are priced as follows: $60 for one, $110 for two, $165 for three, $220 for four, $100 each for Boone Backer, and $30 for Event Sponsorship. For prepayment, RSVP, silent auction donations, or to arrange payment at the door, email

    Polk County Lincoln Day Dinner

    The Polk County Republican Central Committee will be hosting their annual Lincoln Day Banquet on Thursday, April 3rd, beginning at 6:00 pm, at the Elks Lodge in Bolivar.

    The Elks Lodge will be catering the meal of roast pork loin, potatoes, green beans, salad, rolls and drinks. The Republican Women will be providing a variety of desserts.

     The tickets are $20 each and may be purchased at the Designed for Healing store located at 451-B S Springfield Ave. or in the Polk County Clerk’s office or Treasurer’s office in the Courthouse. For questions about reserving tickets, call Kim McNeel at 417-326-7845.  You may pay at the door.