Posted by Missouri GOP on
Saturday, August 29, 2020 ·
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Nicole Galloway: OOTO March-June
Did you receive Nicole Galloway’s out of the office reply? A review of Galloway’s official schedule shows that from March through June she did not even bother to put in 40 hours of work in a single month. Missouri taxpayers might want a refund after they see what we’ve seen.
While Missouri workers are putting in hard work at their jobs or wanting to get back to work if their job was impacted by the pandemic, “No-Show Nicole” continues to collect her six-figure taxpayer-funded salary but not showing up to the job she was elected to do.

Nicole Galloway’s claim in a recent political ad about working with a “sense of urgency” has been fully discredited by the release of her own official schedule.
An analysis of Galloway’s official state auditor’s schedule revealed she could not be bothered to even put in 40 hours of work in a single month. During this time period she collected $35,915.35 from the taxpayers for working only 131 hours and 40 minutes during the four months, which translates to $272.77 per hour.
While many Missourians are working at least 40 hours a week, Galloway is working less than 40 hours a month, all while collecting a taxpayer-funded paycheck for full-time work. Instead of doing the job taxpayers are paying her to do, she has been cashing their checks while focusing almost exclusively on politics and raising money in search of another taxpayer-funded job.
The only “sense of urgency” on the part of Galloway is moving from one political fundraiser to the next, whether it’s toasting to partial-birth abortion on a Sunday morning with pro-abortion extremists, seeking endorsements from left-wing politicians like Elizabeth Warren or endorsing left-wing politicians like her fellow AOC Missouri Squad member Cori Bush.
Why should Missouri taxpayers take Nicole Galloway seriously if she cannot be bothered to show up and do the job she was elected to perform on their behalf? Galloway has not earned a promotion and she owes Missourians a refund.