Rich Finneran Sides With Anti-Second Amendment Group That Wants to Defund, Disarm Law Enforcement

Finneran Cannot be Trusted to Defend Missourians
Second Amendment Rights

JEFFERSON CITY – Little is known about Rich Finneran, the mystery man running as a Democrat for attorney general, but a review of the few statements he has made, specifically those in support of a left-wing anti-Second Amendment group, illustrates he cannot be trusted to defend Missourians’ Second Amendment rights.  Finneran has sided with a group that wants to defund and disarm law enforcement.

“Rich Finneran says he supports the positions of an anti-Second Amendment group that not only wants to defund law enforcement, they want to disarm law enforcement,” said Jean Evans, Missouri Republican Party Executive Director.  “Finneran’s support for the positions of this group shows Missourians he cannot be counted on to stand up for their Second Amendment rights or support our men and women in law enforcement. Finneran supports radical policies that would make our streets less safe and our communities more dangerous.”

In an interview with podcaster Elad Gross, Finneran said his positions are the same as the anti-Second Amendment group.

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